How To Prep Your Hair To Be Colored In a Salon

There is a certain excitement that happens a few days before a salon appointment. The thought of walking into the salon one person and emerging with an entirely new look and attitude can be an irresistible fantasy. Getting a dramatic pilus transformation oft centers around a new colour, but people forget the prep that needs to happen prior to sitting in the chair. Over here at Rinse Salon we are experts in making your dream hair colour come true. Whether it is a drastic neon color, some subtle highlights, or a summery ombre, we are your go-to pilus magicians in San Diego. Today nosotros are offering you lot some tips and tricks that you can do at abode to ensure your hair is in prime status to receive the new colour, afterwards your appointment all you will need to practise is implement the new attitude to match.

Make The Appointment

Now this isn't exactly hair-prep but you would be shocked at how many people make this fatal mistake. We are all nigh spontaneity…just non when it comes to hair. Accept your time and research the stylist you desire to work with, stalk them on Instagram and get to know how they colour. This is truly an artform and anybody does information technology a little different, find a stylist who's fashion you are obsessed with and call to book them. If you are hoping to go from 1 extreme to the next (black to platinum for instance) a consultation prior to the appointment is a wise telephone call. That way your stylist tin run into your pilus in person and talk options with you.

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Clarify Your Scalp

 Naturally your hair and scalp will start to buildup product over time. Information technology is a skillful thought to work a clarifying handling into your haircare routine on a normal basis, but for sure nosotros recommend doing it about a week earlier the color appointment.  This is going to practise exactly what it says, clarify your hair and get all the gunk out of in that location, priming the strands for the color. Most clarifying shampoos are adequately gentle, merely information technology is of import to simply do this at least a calendar week out so there is no gamble of altering the color. At that place are a ton of great DIY clarifying treatments if you don't experience like splurging on a shampoo.

Condition For Prime number Hair Health

 Information technology is no undercover that good for you pilus takes color amend. Unfortunately not all of usa have invincible Rapunzel locks (especially if we color and heat manner oftentimes!) and so pumping conditioner into your hair is the next all-time thing. Invest in a good deep conditioner and let it sit for at least 10 minutes each time y'all wash your hair. Effort to start this regimen at least 2 weeks prior, but the longer yous can go on this upwardly, the improve. Inevitably dying your hair is going to dry out it out a fleck, if you are really concerned talk to your stylist about options and post haircare routines.

Don't Wash Your Hair Day Of

This is a common mistake made only trust us, you do not want to wash your pilus 24hr before the color date. Hair that has just been done isn't ideal for taking color because information technology still has traces of product and can cause variations in the formula. That being said excessively oily or dirty hair isn't good either. Use your best judgment and shoot for a happy medium here. We too suggest not styling your hair prior. You want the stylist to run across the natural texture and make choices based on that (this is the ideal day to stone a hat).

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There you have it! Our top tips to make sure your salon coloring feel is everything you lot want it to be. Remember to come see united states of america at Rinse Salon and we will brand all your hair fantasies come true.

Bonus Tips:

 Bring photos for reference

  • Be honest about your hair past (aye that includes your at dwelling house perm)

  • Consider a cut to get rid of dry or damaged ends

  • Prove Up!